Workshop 1: Two Entirely Different Philosophies! - RESCHEDULED

Theme 1 - Two different philosophies.jpg
Theme 1 - Two different philosophies.jpg

Workshop 1: Two Entirely Different Philosophies! - RESCHEDULED


Theme 1: The Mainstream Approach and the Organic Way are based on two entirely different philosophies.

The philosophy you choose to guide you sets the tone for your relationship with your work and your business. This is especially true when you are stepping into a new phase with your business: whether you are starting a new business, coming back to your business after a time away, developing a new service, redesigning your business, or creating your original body of work.

The philosophy you align with influences how you proceed:

  • How you envision your business

  • What you focus on

  • Where you put your energy

  • How you define success

  • Which actions you choose to take

  • How you treat your clients

  • How you feel about yourself and your work

Join me and other Change Catalysts on April 4 to explore the essential differences between the Mainstream / Organic philosophies. The philosophy you use to envision your business sets the tone for the way you interact with your business, the way you share your work, and the way you connect with your clients.

Due to unforeseen events, the date for this workshop is To Be Determined.

Email to let her know you are interested in participating. Thank you.


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