Develop Your Viable Business Vision - Monthly


Develop Your Viable Business Vision - Monthly

$175.00 every month

This program provides a framework to support you in strengthening the foundational elements of your vision so that you can develop your work and grow your business with confidence.

We start with where you are right now. Using the Organic Growth Cycle as our guide, you’ll gain new insights, ideas, and strategies to strengthen and deepen your understanding of yourself, your work, your business, and your clients.

You may go through the program at your own pace. There are no deadlines or requirements. Take each step and keep moving! You’ll find you gain momentum as you go.

The Develop Your Viable Business Vision is designed to have a built-in flow:

PART 1: Your Viable Business Vision

Complete a series of Organic Growth Questionnaires. You will send your response to each questionnaire to Carol for her review and comments.

After you’ve completed your questionnaires, you’ll take a second pass through the questionnaires to integrate any new clarity you've gained through the first pass.

Then we’ll set up a private mentoring session to explore your current growing edge. In this session, we'll:

  • Deepen, refine, and strengthen your vision

  • Resolve the gaps and soft spots you identified

  • Introduce you to the next phase of the journey to assess and strengthen your existing marketing presence.

PART 2: Your Marketing Presence

When you have your Viable Business Vision in place, you’ll have the opportunity to assess the basic elements of your marketing presence. Whether you are just getting started or you’ve been marketing your business, this step-by-step sequence will help you develop or strengthen the way you are sharing your work with the clients who will benefit most.

  • As you walk through this step-by-step process, you’ll have the opportunity to look at your basic marketing elements: Those you already have in place and those you may be missing.

  • You’ll share your assessments of each element with Carol via email and she’ll reply with insights and feedback.

  • After completing the assessment, you’ll set up a second one-on-one mentoring call with Carol to talk through any remaining questions or issues.

  • By taking the time to walk through this step-by-step process, you’ll gain more clarity and confidence in how you are marketing your work.

PART 3: Ready to Graduate!

After completing your Viable Business Vision and your assessment of your Basic Marketing Elements, you’ll be ready to graduate! You’ll have one more mentoring session with Carol to:

  • Answer any last questions.

  • Identify your next steps.

  • Talk about additional support, in the form of private mentoring or intimate mentoring groups, if that’s of interest to you.

ONGOING: Support, Encouragement, and Accountability

As you develop the vision for your business, it’s normal to experience a number of emotional ups and downs as you face decisions you aren’t sure how to handle. When you feel uncertain, it’s easy to get discouraged and get bogged down.

I created this membership group to give you a safe, encouraging environment to support you as you turn your uncertainties into thoughtful decisions.

I encourage you to participate in as many of these offerings as possible to boost your motivation, recognize you aren’t alone in this journey, and gain insights about the Organic Growth Cycle that will enhance your business vision and your marketing presence.

Interactive Zoom Events:

As the group grows you’ll have the opportunity to attend up to three events each month. I’ll have more details about these calls soon. Recordings will be available if you aren’t able to attend live.

  1. Set your intention for the month

  2. Explore each phase of the Organic Growth Cycle in an experiential workshop

  3. Ask a question at the monthly Q&A Mentoring Call

Online Community Area

Log into the Viable Business Vision Online Community to:

  • Access the Organic Growth Cycle questionnaires

  • Work through the step-by-step marketing assessment

  • Find information about monthly workshops and access recordings of any workshops you can’t attend live (coming soon)

  • Discover additional content that is relevant to your journey through each phase of the Organic Growth Cycle

  • Post a check-in each week to share your intention for the coming week and something you are celebrating

  • Ask questions in a designated area between our calls

Bonus: Membership in the Change Catalyst Network

As a member of this Viable Business Vision Group, you’ll also receive a free membership in the Change Catalyst Network for professional and personal support during this time of relentless change and deep uncertainty. (Value: $90/year)

Join us for two Change Catalyst Circle events each month to network with other Change Catalysts via Zoom.


How long will this process take? The timing is up to you. You fill out the nine Organic Growth Cycle questionnaires at your own pace. One a day? One every few days? One a week? One every other week. Each questionnaire consists of 3-6 questions about one of the phases of the Organic Change Cycle.

How do I get feedback? After completing each questionnaire you will email your answers to Carol. She will review your responses and reply with questions, insights, and ideas to consider.

Your membership also includes several live events (coming soon) to learn about the Organic Change Cycle and receive support as you proceed through the questionnaires in the form of setting your intention for the month and asking questions at the monthly Q&A Mentoring Call. You can also ask questions within the online community between events.

Do I have the opportunity to talk with Carol privately? Yes. You’ll have three private mentoring conversations with Carol during your program.

1) You’ll set up a private mentoring appointment with Carol after you complete your Organic Growth Questionnaires. Together you will review all the aspects of your vision to identify ways to strengthen and refine your vision.

2) After you complete your Basic Marketing Assessment, you will set up a second mentoring session with Carol to refine your approach, fill in any essential gaps, and lay out your next steps.

3) When you feel ready to graduate from the Viable Business Vision Membership Group, you’ll have another conversation to pinpoint where to put your attention to make the most progress as you develop your work and grow your business. Together you and Carol will:

  • Talk about your immediate and longer term goals

  • Explore your desire for continued support

  • Lay out your next steps and review potential private and intimate group options to support you in moving forward whether you want to Deepen the Roots of Your Work or Grow Your Business

Why is there a recurring monthly fee? Each person in this program will have their own journey.

  • Some may move very quickly through most of the process because they have some elements already figured out. There may be one or two points along the way that require more thought.

  • Others may take their time, thoughtfully and mindfully sorting through their options because they’ve never had a business before or they are in the early stages of formulating their vision.

Depending on how quickly you move through the questionnaires and marketing assessment, you could complete the program in a couple of months or six months.

No matter how the journey unfolds for you, the goal is the same. To support you in being poised to begin sharing your work and business with potential clients with more clarity and confidence so that you may flourish as a Change Catalyst.
