Taking Action to Move Your Business Forward

When you are clear about the core focus of your work (Goal #1) and you have firmed up your business foundation (Goal #2), you are ready to take the actions to grow your business (Goal #3).

Not just any actions, but strategic actions taken consistently in the right order.

My Philosophy for Moving Forward…Continuously

Although it’s tempting to think you should wait to start your business until you have it all figured out

Or you may think you should take big leaps of faith to go big from the start…

Both of these tactics are likely to cause you to put on the brakes more often than necessary.

When I was starting my current business, I had had enough of both of the above strategies.

  • In the past when I tried to build out a business in great detail before I shared my work with others, I was often left with a service that didn’t speak to them or meet the needs of my clients.

  • In the past when I tried to jump to market my business more broadly than I was comfortable with, I always put on the brakes before I made much progress or the fear and discomfort I telegraphed had the opposite effect than I wanted. Rather than magnetizing clients to my work, I repelled them. A crushing disappointment every time.

Taking a different Path forward

Using a combination of my transition expertise and my clarity experience, I discovered a way to grow business organically, layer by layer.

My clients and I have found this approach to be healing, supportive, inspiring, and clarifying. Rather than wait for a Big Launch to see if your offers work, you begin getting feedback from the start so you know your offer works before you share it with the world.

In the process, you experience:

  • Less stress

  • Less worry

  • Fewer failures

  • Less procrastination

This organic approach isn’t something you apply just once.

It’s an ongoing, iterative journey that brings more and more clarity, alignment, and confidence throughout your career as a Change Catalyst Entrepreneur whether you are:

  • Starting your business

  • Reimagining your business

  • Developing your unique body of work

As you incorporate this gentle, organic approach to your work and your business, you'll see your results build layer by layer, month after month, year after year.

You’ll discover how it feels when you are aligned with your work and your clients. Knowing this feeling will help you refine what you are creating so it can grow organically. Through this process you’ll become more attuned to your natural moments of hesitation and know how to search for the wisdom that gives you insights about your growing edge.

Experiencing this approach to evolving your work and your business at this early stage of your career as a Change Catalyst Entrepreneur will provide you with perspectives, skills, and strategies you can use throughout your career. You’ll discover specific ways to refine what you do, your offers, and your marketing based on feedback from your clients, your colleagues, and your potential clients.

Growing your business this way
naturally enhances your clarity,
Strengthens Your Alignment,
builds your confidence, and
increases your strategic actions,
which all boost your momentum.

As you Gain more and More momentum,
you’ll begin Attracting and working
with more paying Clients.

Learning how to Use
this Organic approach
will move you forward faster
than any other strategy I know.

What Is Your Primary Goal Right Now?

To receive the guidance and support to match where you are in your journey, identify your current goal below and then click through for more details.

If your primary goal is to boost the number of paying clients you are working with, explore the Boost Your Momentum Mentoring Group.

You may be starting a brand new business, returning to your business after a time away, or getting a new service off the ground.

If you are called to bring a new original body of work into the world, check out the Deepen Your Work Mentoring Group.

Although you may feel compelled to jump into action and start marketing immediately, you won’t get very far if you aren’t sure how clients will respond to your work. By working intimately with selected paying clients to confirm, verify, and refine your work, you will enhance your clarity about how your work impacts your clients, which will enhance your marketing efforts.

When you are ready to step out with your work and your business to create more visibility, more reach, more impact, focus on the Flourish Mentoring Group (description coming soon).

Sharing your work in a broader way opens up a new growing edge for you, your work, and your business. Stepping out with far more visibility is easier when you have a nurturing community behind the wings to help you brainstorm, troubleshoot, and experiment.