Get Your New Venture Off the Ground
Over the years I’ve spoken with a number of Change Catalyst Entrepreneurs who were in the process of getting their first business started or launching a new iteration of their business.
Whether you are:
A new Change Catalyst getting your new business started
A seasoned Change Catalyst who is introducing a new program or service after a deep development phase
You have been stalled for a while and are now committed to doing what’s needed to create a viable business
Here’s Where You Stand
You have an idea for your business that inspires you. You are excited to get moving with your business. (If you aren’t yet clear about the core focus of your work, revisit Goal 1: Clarity First)
You may have a few paying clients, a couple of practice clients, or no clients at all. You aren’t feeling very confident about how to work with your clients or how to invite potential clients to work with you.
You are likely hesitant to move forward with your marketing because you aren’t sure what you need to do to increase the number of clients you work with. You may be struggling with your website, your offers and pricing, your networking introduction, or your marketing strategies.
If you are a new business owner, you are likely overwhelmed by all of the tasks and decisions on your plate. You aren’t sure what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. As a result you aren’t taking action nor making much progress.
If you are a seasoned business owner, you may feel uneasy with or repelled by how you grew your business in the past. You can’t bring yourself to use those strategies again, and yet that’s really all you know. To stay in integrity and honor the well-being of your clients, you are searching for another way to grow your business that feels aligned with your values and style.
A Bit of Perspective
Through the years, I have found that FAST, BOLD solutions and strategies that throw me out into the world exposed and unprepared are bound to backfire. This is true even if the business coach means well and has my best interests at heart.
When I don't feel clear, safe, and confident, I put on the brakes and back up! Then it takes me awhile to build up enough confidence to step out again. Perhaps you can relate to this scenario.
If you are designed like many Change Catalysts are — sensitive, intuitive, creative, empathic, and possibly introverted — I'm fairly confident that you experience similar tendencies. Stopping your progress because you feel uncomfortable is not the best strategy when you are trying to build a flourishing business!
I have found through experimentation that growing my business organically, in ways that feel good and nourish me, provides me with my best path forward. When the strategies I'm using create a sense of ease, my new actions accumulate faster and provide a more enriching experience for me, my clients, my business, and my financial success.
Sharing this natural approach to growing a business
is at the core of my work with Change Catalysts.
Your Next Step
Before you can build momentum within your business, you must create a strong foundation for your business.
You must gain clarity about 12 specific facets of your business that are essential to your success before you start marketing.
When you have a clear sense of the business you are working to create, it will be far easier to sort out how to share your work with those who will benefit most.
My Commitment to You
My intention with this program is to provide Change Catalyst Entrepreneurs with the strategies, tips, approach, and support to turn their fledgling business idea into a viable venture.
Although you may have been promised fast results in other courses and programs, I know there are no quick, instantaneous paths to success.
Growing your business in an organic way with a solid foundation is a process of layering in new levels of clarity, new skills, and new strategies over time.
How Do I Know?
I've started several new Change Catalyst businesses since 1991 when I began working with clients in transition, clients seeking clarity about their careers, and Change Catalyst Entrepreneurs. I know how scary it can be at first and how exciting it feels when it all starts working.
I've experienced a number of ups and downs in my journey which gives me compassion and insights that will help you move forward more quickly with fewer detours. I am grateful to share what I've learned and discovered with you so that you can bring your Change Catalyst work into the world with confidence.